Part of the Family

Travel safe

Travel safe
The majority of our pupils live in close proximity to the school and we encourage a healthy journey to school by walking, cycling or scooting.

Some children who live in the outlying villages come to school by bus or taxi. If parents drop off or collect children by car, we ask that they park responsibly and do not block our neighbours’ access. The yellow zig zags around school are there for the safety of everyone around school and should not be used for stopping or parking at the start or end of the school day. ERYC provides bus (or taxi) transport to and from school for eligible children. Details and guidance on this service can be found on the their website.

Cycle to School
  • We provide cycle racks in the playground for children who would like to travel to school by bike.
  • We encourage all children to be safe when cycling.  To see more information on how to help your child with cycling safety, please use the links below.
Scoot to School
  • We  provide scooter racks in the playground for children to store their scooters safely during the day.