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Art at Pocklington Junior School

Art at Pocklington Junior School

Art at Pocklington Junior School

Art is a fundamental way of communicating and expressing ideas, thoughts and emotions. As humans, we learn to draw before we can write, therefore, using art as a medium for learning, understanding and representing ideas is fundamental at Pocklington Junior School.

The Art curriculum is designed in such a way that across Key Stage 2, a breadth of art history, disciplinary knowledge and practical skills are taught. Not only that, but the teaching of Art has explicit links with other curriculum areas. This makes for an engaging and inspiring study of art that enables pupils to understand the importance of art in human history.

How Art is taught at Pocklington Junior School

At Pocklington Junior School, Art is taught termly. Lessons are generally taught in a block rather than weekly so that pupils can be fully immersed in the subject. Occasionally, this teaching will incorporate external visits and/or visitors who are experts in their field. Each lesson is designed specifically to include a time of practice, where pupils invent, experiment and create using particular skills and mediums. Each topic results in pupils producing a final piece of art, craft and design. As part of the study, pupils are taught how art has reflected and shaped history across the world.

Art at Home

Art can be made of absolutely anything! If your child is feeling imaginative or creative, encourage them and help them to create pieces of art whilst at home or when you’re out and about. The great thing about art is that there is no right or wrong way of producing anything. This is entirely down to the artist’s intentions and whether their art meets their vision.

Art is anything visual: drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, photography to name a few.

Ideas to try:

  • Out for a walk in the woods, at the seaside or at home? Collect objects that you find and create a piece of art. Better still. Can you create a sculpture in the place that you are? Take a photo of it!
  • Is there something that you are throwing out at home? What could you make it into?
  • Are you really passionate about somewhere, something or someone? Make a piece of art to represent it
  • Is there something special that you want to take a photograph of?

Where can I find out more?

To find out more about our curriculum, please click here to see our Wonder Learning curriculum. Click here to see our current learning journeys for this term. If you have any questions or concerns about art at Pocklington Junior School, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the art Lead, Mrs Penfold. You can make an appointment to see her through the school office or by contacting the school email.