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Design and Technology at Pocklington Junior School

Design and Technology at Pocklington Junior School

Design and Technology is a subject that prepares children to deal with the rapidly changing world. It should inspire children to question the world around them through becoming creative and critical thinkers and develop both their independent and team working skills. It combines subjects like Art, Science, Computing and Maths, allowing children to develop their problem-solving skills to deal with relevant problems that they will face not only in the classroom but in later life. It should teach them to identify possible gaps in products and design ideas to fill these. Design and Technology enables children to develop their understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues as well as allowing them to critically evaluate technology from the past.

The teaching of Design and Technology is highly based on the skills that are centred on the production process. Children will be exposed to research opportunities at the beginning of each process and then encouraged to plan, design, make and evaluate their own products. This process is repeated throughout the school to encourage children to reflect not only on others’ products, but also on their own ideas.

  • All elements of the DT curriculum are taught more than once throughout Years 3 – 6 to ensure children are continually practising and improving their skills.
  • Each time children take part in DT, they will complete a full design process: research, plan, make and evaluate. This develops their key skills to enable them to become critical and creative designers.
  • Technical knowledge is taught throughout the design process at the appropriate level and knowledge organisers are used to ensure children know and understand the technical vocabulary which is taught within each project.
  • All design topics have been chosen carefully to engage the children and complement the book or topic that is currently being studied by the children.

We not only aim for each child to make good progress within Design and Technology throughout their time at Pocklington Junior School but also to become inspired by the subject and be confident to face future problems in both the classroom and throughout their lives.

Where can I find out more?

To find out more about our curriculum, please click here to see our Wonder Learning curriculum. Click here to see our current learning journeys for this term.