Our curriculum incorporates all aspects of the National Curriculum, still with a focus around Mathematics, English and Reading. We target the content which is most appropriate for the child’s development stage. We also plan our activities to ensure that children with Educational, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and termly support plans are given regular opportunities to work on and progress towards their individual targets within their daily routine.
The children will continue to be assessed against the relevant criteria in the National Curriculum, whilst also using the Boxall Profile as a tool to assess and measure progress in social and emotional functioning. In addition, the activities that are planned and delivered will incorporate vital social skills and self-regulating strategies to aid children in their personal development, tracked through the use of the Boxall Profile. Families will have regular updates to enable them to monitor the progress of their child.
The aim of our learning environment is to adopt a home from home setting which is warm and inviting, making all children feel welcome, comfortable and safe. The area within ‘The Nest’ allows us to provide ongoing provision with a formal classroom area, a kitchen/dining area, a sensory area, an area for role-play and a calming, cosy corner. We are also lucky to have an area for outdoor provision together with a shelter to allow the children to be outside in all weathers.
Our timetable is structured to provide stability for the children. This timetable will be displayed by using a whole school visual timetable, so it is consistent when returning back to their classroom in the afternoon. The activities within the provision are planned to allow the children to access all areas of the room. Each day, the timetabled activities will be the same length of time, targeting key learning in the time given.
In addition to the settling activity, as the children arrive in The Nest after registration, a vital part of the day within The Nest is breakfast. It allows the children to develop social skills, celebrate success of the previous day, reflect and have a daily emotional check-in. This time demonstrates the highly supportive and nurturing environment provided, where the children are central to the provision.
All staff are highly trained to deliver quality first teaching and build strong relationships with the children and families to ensure the provision is effective. The staff have a range of knowledge and experience in learning styles, special educational needs, nurture theory and attachment. We work as a cohesive team to best support the individual needs of each child and ensure we can develop them holistically, enabling them to achieve their full potential.
Each child who uses the ERP is also part of a class in the main school and they will access this classroom provision each afternoon. Both settings are linked through the use of rewards, emotional support strategies, linked assessments and clear communication between all individuals involved; including teaching staff, families, senior leaders and the children.
The provision provided is underpinned by training through Nurture UK. The use of the ‘six principles of nurture’ is incorporated within the provision’s daily practice, linked with the main classroom. These principles play a fundamental part in how we plan and structure the day and they underpin everything that we do. These principles have been instilled right through the training provided to all staff in the school and are portrayed to the children in a child-friendly way.