Part of the Family

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium
Please find details below of the school’s approach to using the Pupil Premium grant. The impact of the identified approaches is reviewed on an ongoing basis by the school and the Pupil Premium link Governor.

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

Pupil Premium is additional funding available from the Government and is used to enable the school to provide additional provision for pupils who are entitled to it. The school applies for the Pupil Premium based on those children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any time in the last 6 years, as well as pupils under Local Authority Care (LAC) and adopted pupils. This allows us to provide those children with the same opportunities as their peers.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. The school will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support and challenge pupils to whom the Pupil Premium has been allocated.

At Pocklington Junior School we have a range of actions and approaches which are used to support children in achieving the best educational outcomes. The Pupil Premium funding therefore is used to pay for, as appropriate:

  • ELSA support
  • Small group work
  • Specific intervention programmes e.g. supporting children to overcome problems caused by dyslexia.
  • Booster classes in English and Maths
  • Additional Teaching Assistant support
  • Social language groups
  • Sensory Circuits e.g physical activity designed to improve concentration ready for the day’s learning.

Impact of Pupil Premium

The actions and approaches put in place for pupils receiving Pupil Premium result in them making expected or above expected progress. Where pupils show signs of falling behind, or not making the progress that we expect from their starting points, actions and approaches are modified so that the difference is diminished .

Pupil Premium Budget

The amount received by the school in Pupil Premium funding for the academic year 2024-2025 is £109,760 (including LAC and post-LAC pupils and recovery premium funding ).